Building a network of distributor worldwide
After the company foundation in 1997, Walther Janssen, with the help of Dr. Sacher, expanded his assortment architecture by adding new product lines to the « Secrets of Beauty ». During those years, Walther further travelled through Europe and the whole world, to present his products at international beauty shows and exhibitions. In Asia Walther went to Hong Kong and Guang Zhou, to Singapore and Tokyo, to Seoul and Manila. In North America Janssen cosmeceutical care was exhibited from Miami in Florida to Long Beach in California, not to forget Las Vegas, Chicago and New York. But also the many beauty shows in Europe became a success story: Beside Düsseldorf, Wiesbaden and Brussels, Walther showed up in Warsaw, Prague, Budapest, Linz in Austria and Zurich in Switzerland. He visited Paris-Versailles as well as Istanbul on the Bosporus. The result was an expanded network of young and dynamic distributor, of which many became his partner and friends for many years. Beside those already mentioned in the first episode, let`s not forget Emil and Bohumila Christoph from Znojmo in Czechia, Cindy and Bas from Heiloo in the Netherlands, Stanislaw Calka and Maciej Kotula in Poland, Yozo Nitta in Tokyo, Jutta and Ed Beck in San Antonio (Texas), Liz Coglianese in Chicago. Our US operation, already founded in 1997, was managed by Renato Irribarren and Klara Doert in Orange County, Jennifer Swinton in Atlanta (Georgia), Rose Acuazzo in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), Bob Severson in Minneapolis (Minnesota), Sina von Eisenstein in New York, or Yvonne Portilla in Miami. Walther and Elka visited all of them with their kids in 1998. They all helped and contributed to make the world more beautiful and our new slogan came through: We beautify the world.
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